
Children learn through play, first-hand experience, and planned activities. At Children's Corner, they have the opportunity to choose activities of personal interest and ability levels. Activities fostering creativity are stressed and children learn by doing. Experiences are provided for children to work out social issues and think through problems to suitable solutions, and to encourage readiness for future school situations. Children are not hurried, but given time to learn by doing by a supportive, loving staff.

The Center provides developmentally appropriate activities geared to the age and developmental level of the children. These activities are:

  • Intended to promote the development of language, thinking and problem solving skills
  • Foster curiosity, exploration, large and small muscles, social competence, self-esteem, and positive self-identity
  • Relevant to the cultural background of the children and foster intercultural awareness
  • Geared to the age and development level of each served
  • Intentionally flexible to accommodate spontaneous occurrences or children's suggestions and inquiries

The Center provides daily activities and supplies the equipment for:

  • Language
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Manipulative, large muscle development
  • Building
  • Art
  • Music, including our annual Christmas Program
  • Drama and other comparable activities

Christian living is a focus, and is woven into daily activities. Prayer, Christian stories, songs, poems, and symbols are intrinsic in our curriculum and part of our daily experience. Christian love is our foundation and holidays are highlights of our year. The Christian curriculum is nondenominational.

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Summer Program
Sample Daily Activities Schedule
Back to School Checklist